Strategic Planning Service

Our Strategic Planning Service provides a thorough assessment of the civic development opportunities, broadly defined, along your waterfront and adjoining districts. Our report and recommendations will help you chart your course and set development plans in motion.

We cover economic analysis -- what the market suggests, what the best bets are for viable private investments, what might come first, what's needed to get things moving. We also cover implementation mechanisms and strategies. Our work provides insight into what has worked elsewhere, and why, and what hasn't -- and the lessons these precedents have for your precise situation.

We identify the public investments needed, at what locations, and in what order. We also try to identify funding sources wherever possible. Our Strategic Planning Service provides a graphic concept rendering, suitable for presentations, to help explain the plan.

Our team looks at a community's heritage reflected along and near the waterfront, and how it might best be celebrated. Our plan covers events and festivals, both current and prospective. We also discuss public art and interpretive opportunities.

Waterfront Community Consultants uses, whenever possible, a unique community public participation process. We make a representative group of citizens city planners for a day-and-a-half, guiding them through the steps needed to make key planning decisions. If not possible to include a full, 60-person Community Participatory Planning Workshop, outlined on the next page, we make sure citizens take part in a meaningful way.

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